New Announcement: New Bestseller on UDEMY
World’s most affordable GLOBA MBA Knowledge Courses Series on UDEMY now has the new bestseller. All exports documentation and procedures | Any Origin, by Dr. Vijesh Jain
Past announcements
5 days IFDP held on 15 May to 19th May, 2020
5 days IFDP held on 15-19 May, 2020. Professors from Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, Peru and Portual delivered sessions on training faculty and researchers on writing international quality research paper and publishing in international journals.
Dr. Vijesh Jain
4 days IMDP held on 13-16 June, 2020. Professors and practitioners from Singapore, Ireland, Ghana, India, delivered sessions on training faculty and practitioners on new paradigm of business leadership in a fast changing world.
Nisha Jain
New Course launched on international quality research writing and publishing by international professors. See Course Details
Nisha Jain