About Us
Who We Are
VJ Global Academy is a venture of Dr. Vijesh Jain who has more than 35 years of experience with global business and management. He is a pioneer of CFC cross cultural research where he is working for last 15 years to develop a new CFC cultural model to understand the level of intercultural comfort among employees working at multicultural workplaces of global companies. The concept of comfort between employees of local and foreign cultures within multinational firms is the essence of this research project. Dr. Jain also has published several research papers and books related to CFC research and related management topics. He has also published around 20 online training courses on UDEMY where there are more than quarter million students enrollments till date. Click HERE to explore his online courses on Udemy.
It proposes a framework and methodology to examine and measure the level of comfort experienced by employees from different cultural backgrounds. The study also explores factors influencing comfort levels, such as communication, cross-cultural training, diversity management practices, and organizational policies. It also investigates the impact of comfort on various outcomes, such as employee satisfaction, job performance, and intercultural collaboration within multinational firms.
Dr. Jain is regularly involved with the training and development in the areas of Cross Cultural Management, International Business and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Jain is an IIFT, New Delhi, BITS, Pilani and BIMTECH alumnus having certified qualification from Harvard University, USA and a Certified Global Business Professional by NASBITE, USA. As founder of VJ Exports Mastery Courses and Academy, his vision is to make this academy number one online education provider in the area of cross cultural management, management science, exports and imports training for worldwide audience.
A Few Words About
Our Team

Dr. Vijesh Jain and many of his research collaborators from across the world are part of the team of researchers involved in this ongoing project. His past students also keep contributing towards making the research world class and industry relevant.